BIOLAB聽研白松露面膜1.0 5g*6
from $62.00
BIOLAB聽研白松露面膜1.0 5g*6 BIOLAB 聽研4週光澤修護享受15min水光SPA(聽研白松露魔鏡面膜1.0) 效果即時感知光澤 修護 彈潤 修護脆弱受損守護薄皮維生素原B5,玻色因 1瓶4效 多場景適用光澤 修護 舒緩 保濕 使用方法潔面爽膚後,以附贈面膜湯匙取適量面膜,均勻塗抹上臉,避開眼周及唇週。靜敷 15-20mins,輕輕按摩後用清水潔面即可,後續進行正常護膚。 產品資訊BIOLAB WHITE TRUFFLE GLOWINGRADIANCE MASK 聽研白松露光采盈透面膜淨含量: 5g*6功效:修護 舒緩 保濕使用建議:1.建議每週使用2-3次;2.第一次使用本產品,請先在耳後測試,無不良反應再上臉;3.若產品不慎入眼,請立即用清水沖洗;4.皮膚有傷口、發炎、紅腫時,請勿使用。
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Biolab 保濕緊緻 全部商品 抗老改善 抗衰提升 護膚品 面部護理 面霜
BIOLAB聽研白松露面膜1.0 5g*6 BIOLAB 聽研4週光澤修護享受15min水光SPA(聽研白松露魔鏡面膜1.0) 效果即時感知光澤 修護 彈潤 修護脆弱受損守護薄皮維生素原B5,玻色因 1瓶4效 多場景適用光澤 修護 舒緩 保濕 使用方法潔面爽膚後,以附贈面膜湯匙取適量面膜,均勻塗抹上臉,避開眼周及唇週。靜敷 15-20mins,輕輕按摩後用清水潔面即可,後續進行正常護膚。 產品資訊BIOLAB WHITE TRUFFLE GLOWINGRADIANCE MASK 聽研白松露光采盈透面膜淨含量: 5g*6功效:修護...

You renderd the snippet swatch.liquid with the name of a product option — '數量' — that does not belong to your product.

Use {% render 'swatch' with 'name of your product option here' %}

Example: {% render 'swatch' with 'Color' %}

This is case-sensitive! Do not put in 'color' if your product option name is 'Color'.

from $330.00
PLIFT保濕煥膚化妝水細緻毛孔亮白彈潤抗老精華水150ml 保濕煥亮 磨皮藍胖子亮白祛黃·細緻毛孔·柔潤保濕
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PLIFT Essence Water-1
保濕緊緻 全部商品 抗衰提升 爽膚水 精華液 護膚品 面部護理
PLIFT保濕煥膚化妝水細緻毛孔亮白彈潤抗老精華水150ml 保濕煥亮 磨皮藍胖子亮白祛黃·細緻毛孔·柔潤保濕

You renderd the snippet swatch.liquid with the name of a product option — '數量' — that does not belong to your product.

Use {% render 'swatch' with 'name of your product option here' %}

Example: {% render 'swatch' with 'Color' %}

This is case-sensitive! Do not put in 'color' if your product option name is 'Color'.

from $475.00
PLIFT奢寵煥顏白金乳霜提亮膚色雙肽三因抗老緊緻修護50g 全新'奇蹟'白金面霜,愈顏抗老 修護淡紋蘊含煥活因子"永續肌膚年輕” 內源細胞氧化受損加速肌膚老化 引發多種問題01 乾癟鬆垮皮層膠原蛋白流失導致充盈力、支撐力下降02 老化皺紋自由基積壓 氧化壓力加速老化、乾紋色斑浮現03 暗黃色斑氧化攻擊激發黑色素轉化導致肌膚出現色素沉澱 瓶霜 解決4大難題根源提升內在自癒力抗氧修護減少自由基 延緩衰老不鬆不垮膠原煥新生 提拉精緻煥白提亮抑制黑色素 淡化暗黃水潤舒緩長效高保濕 舒緩乾敏 精研復配專利成分加乘煥亮 水嫩澎彈修護受損屏障乳酸桿菌/米發酵產物深層鎖水保濕玻尿酸鈉+角鯊烷舒緩穩定肌膚積雪草+銀耳萃取物 奢享芳香舒悅體驗天然植萃 賦活身心苦橙花油淡雅橙香,舒緩身心,奢護同時也能,安撫穩定情緒、舒緩神經壓力助眠安神舒心 簡單3步驟縱享護膚新體驗STEP 1每晚基本保養後依需求取適量產品塗抹於臉部STEP 2指尖化開按摩臉部/額頭/眉間等容易長皺紋處至完全吸收即可STEP 3沿著下顎線至耳後兩側輕柔提拉有效提升精緻下顎輪廓 Q&AQ:適用於什麼膚質?會刺激肌膚嗎?A:各種膚質皆可使用,產品溫和不添加酒精、香精、色素尼泊金酯類防腐劑,孕婦及哺乳期皆可安心使用。Q:白金乳霜有什麼功效?A:密集灌注修護抗老'能量,針對熟齡肌鬆垮生紋層層高效修護抗老化,以全新愈顏抗老科技激活百萬細胞新生,定格年輕。Q:適合秋冬用嗎?A:白金乳霜屬乳霜質地,上臉清爽,滋潤不重觸膚即融,非常適合秋冬使用。
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PLIFT 全部商品 抗老改善 護膚品 面部護理
PLIFT奢寵煥顏白金乳霜提亮膚色雙肽三因抗老緊緻修護50g 全新'奇蹟'白金面霜,愈顏抗老 修護淡紋蘊含煥活因子"永續肌膚年輕” 內源細胞氧化受損加速肌膚老化 引發多種問題01 乾癟鬆垮皮層膠原蛋白流失導致充盈力、支撐力下降02 老化皺紋自由基積壓 氧化壓力加速老化、乾紋色斑浮現03 暗黃色斑氧化攻擊激發黑色素轉化導致肌膚出現色素沉澱 瓶霜 解決4大難題根源提升內在自癒力抗氧修護減少自由基 延緩衰老不鬆不垮膠原煥新生 提拉精緻煥白提亮抑制黑色素 淡化暗黃水潤舒緩長效高保濕 舒緩乾敏 精研復配專利成分加乘煥亮 水嫩澎彈修護受損屏障乳酸桿菌/米發酵產物深層鎖水保濕玻尿酸鈉+角鯊烷舒緩穩定肌膚積雪草+銀耳萃取物 奢享芳香舒悅體驗天然植萃 賦活身心苦橙花油淡雅橙香,舒緩身心,奢護同時也能,安撫穩定情緒、舒緩神經壓力助眠安神舒心 簡單3步驟縱享護膚新體驗STEP 1每晚基本保養後依需求取適量產品塗抹於臉部STEP 2指尖化開按摩臉部/額頭/眉間等容易長皺紋處至完全吸收即可STEP...

You renderd the snippet swatch.liquid with the name of a product option — '數量' — that does not belong to your product.

Use {% render 'swatch' with 'name of your product option here' %}

Example: {% render 'swatch' with 'Color' %}

This is case-sensitive! Do not put in 'color' if your product option name is 'Color'.

from $85.00
CISTTO膚見保濕精華水乳套裝 高保濕「大白盾」精華水乳快速補水 24h持久保濕高保濕補水 清爽好吸收 續航「生水」,加速肌膚水合,快速形成輔酶A使肌膚生成天然保濕因子快速「儲水」建構肌膚「深水庫」快速充盈吸水實現水潤嘭彈高能量「鎖水」,加速屏障生成強化肌膚脂質合成鎖住水分 潤澤肌膚
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Cistto 全部商品 精華液 面部護理 面霜
CISTTO膚見保濕精華水乳套裝 高保濕「大白盾」精華水乳快速補水 24h持久保濕高保濕補水 清爽好吸收 續航「生水」,加速肌膚水合,快速形成輔酶A使肌膚生成天然保濕因子快速「儲水」建構肌膚「深水庫」快速充盈吸水實現水潤嘭彈高能量「鎖水」,加速屏障生成強化肌膚脂質合成鎖住水分 潤澤肌膚

You renderd the snippet swatch.liquid with the name of a product option — 'style' — that does not belong to your product.

Use {% render 'swatch' with 'name of your product option here' %}

Example: {% render 'swatch' with 'Color' %}

This is case-sensitive! Do not put in 'color' if your product option name is 'Color'.

from $143.00
CISTTO膚見小粉盾修護面膜 7天急救水潤強韌屏障,韓國進口神經醯胺,補充屏障因子強韌屏障9倍承載力潤澤肌膚,3層網狀紗布天絲膜布9倍承載力導入1瓶精華15分鐘卓效舒潤,模擬Spa微壓按摩,卓效舒潤淡紅 敏肌急救 舒緩潤亮
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Cistto 全部商品 護膚品 面膜 面部護理
CISTTO膚見小粉盾修護面膜 7天急救水潤強韌屏障,韓國進口神經醯胺,補充屏障因子強韌屏障9倍承載力潤澤肌膚,3層網狀紗布天絲膜布9倍承載力導入1瓶精華15分鐘卓效舒潤,模擬Spa微壓按摩,卓效舒潤淡紅 敏肌急救 舒緩潤亮

You renderd the snippet swatch.liquid with the name of a product option — '盒' — that does not belong to your product.

Use {% render 'swatch' with 'name of your product option here' %}

Example: {% render 'swatch' with 'Color' %}

This is case-sensitive! Do not put in 'color' if your product option name is 'Color'.

from $178.00
CISTTO膚見沁肌妝前煥潤膏 創新精華油膏質地打造日光透亮妝容 撫平毛糙,隱匿毛孔乳霜級底妝,一抹平滑肌 1.快速潤膚保濕潤膚,告別乾燥2.妝前打底光滑肌膚,上妝絲滑3.身體滋澤局部肌膚,一抹高光
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Cistto 保濕緊緻 全部商品 抗衰提升 護膚品 面部護理 面霜
CISTTO膚見沁肌妝前煥潤膏 創新精華油膏質地打造日光透亮妝容 撫平毛糙,隱匿毛孔乳霜級底妝,一抹平滑肌 1.快速潤膚保濕潤膚,告別乾燥2.妝前打底光滑肌膚,上妝絲滑3.身體滋澤局部肌膚,一抹高光

You renderd the snippet swatch.liquid with the name of a product option — '盒' — that does not belong to your product.

Use {% render 'swatch' with 'name of your product option here' %}

Example: {% render 'swatch' with 'Color' %}

This is case-sensitive! Do not put in 'color' if your product option name is 'Color'.

CISTTO膚見柔肌淨潤潔面乳 1.氨基酸溫和配方,進口成分椰油酰甘氨酸鉀,氨基酸表活溫和清潔,呵護脆弱屏障2.雲般豐富泡沫,氨基酸潔淨體系配方,泡沫綿密緊實,深入毛孔清潔3.0皂基弱酸型拒絕任何皂基清潔成分,弱酸pH值較親膚
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Cistto 全部商品 潔面/去角質 護膚品 面部護理
CISTTO膚見柔肌淨潤潔面乳 1.氨基酸溫和配方,進口成分椰油酰甘氨酸鉀,氨基酸表活溫和清潔,呵護脆弱屏障2.雲般豐富泡沫,氨基酸潔淨體系配方,泡沫綿密緊實,深入毛孔清潔3.0皂基弱酸型拒絕任何皂基清潔成分,弱酸pH值較親膚

You renderd the snippet swatch.liquid with the name of a product option — 'Title' — that does not belong to your product.

Use {% render 'swatch' with 'name of your product option here' %}

Example: {% render 'swatch' with 'Color' %}

This is case-sensitive! Do not put in 'color' if your product option name is 'Color'.

CISTTO膚見煥肌光潤晚安膏 創新油敷面膜潤養敏感肌,煥肌光潤晚安膏 三重仿生油脂,仿生科學配比模擬肌膚結構
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Cistto 全部商品 護膚品 面部護理
CISTTO膚見煥肌光潤晚安膏 創新油敷面膜潤養敏感肌,煥肌光潤晚安膏 三重仿生油脂,仿生科學配比模擬肌膚結構

You renderd the snippet swatch.liquid with the name of a product option — 'Title' — that does not belong to your product.

Use {% render 'swatch' with 'name of your product option here' %}

Example: {% render 'swatch' with 'Color' %}

This is case-sensitive! Do not put in 'color' if your product option name is 'Color'.

from $145.00
CISTTO膚見黃油卸妝油次拋 養卸合一為護膚多加一步,快速乳化溶澈頑固彩妝,以油溶油清理皮脂雜質,次拋鎖鮮出行小巧便攜 水感輕盈 自卸妝1.水感科學油脂配比潤而不油,快速溶解彩妝2.輕薄,小分子油脂懸浮配方,輕盈不悶痘,無需二次清洗 隨時隨地 想卸就卸1.日常卸妝,避免長時間帶妝小巧輕盈,想卸就卸2.出差旅行小巧次拋 方便攜帶3.閨蜜分享,次拋包裝一起輕鬆養膚
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Cistto 全部商品 潔面/去角質 面部護理
CISTTO膚見黃油卸妝油次拋 養卸合一為護膚多加一步,快速乳化溶澈頑固彩妝,以油溶油清理皮脂雜質,次拋鎖鮮出行小巧便攜 水感輕盈 自卸妝1.水感科學油脂配比潤而不油,快速溶解彩妝2.輕薄,小分子油脂懸浮配方,輕盈不悶痘,無需二次清洗 隨時隨地 想卸就卸1.日常卸妝,避免長時間帶妝小巧輕盈,想卸就卸2.出差旅行小巧次拋 方便攜帶3.閨蜜分享,次拋包裝一起輕鬆養膚

You renderd the snippet swatch.liquid with the name of a product option — 'COLOR' — that does not belong to your product.

Use {% render 'swatch' with 'name of your product option here' %}

Example: {% render 'swatch' with 'Color' %}

This is case-sensitive! Do not put in 'color' if your product option name is 'Color'.

CISTTO膚見黃油小熊聯名卸妝油次拋100粒 養卸合一為護膚多加一步,快速乳化溶澈頑固彩妝,以油溶油清理皮脂雜質,次拋鎖鮮出行小巧便攜 水感輕盈 自卸妝1.水感科學油脂配比潤而不油,快速溶解彩妝2.輕薄,小分子油脂懸浮配方,輕盈不悶痘,無需二次清洗 隨時隨地 想卸就卸1.日常卸妝,避免長時間帶妝小巧輕盈,想卸就卸2.出差旅行小巧次拋 方便攜帶3.閨蜜分享,次拋包裝一起輕鬆養膚
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Cistto 全部商品 潔面/去角質 面部護理
CISTTO膚見黃油小熊聯名卸妝油次拋100粒 養卸合一為護膚多加一步,快速乳化溶澈頑固彩妝,以油溶油清理皮脂雜質,次拋鎖鮮出行小巧便攜 水感輕盈 自卸妝1.水感科學油脂配比潤而不油,快速溶解彩妝2.輕薄,小分子油脂懸浮配方,輕盈不悶痘,無需二次清洗 隨時隨地 想卸就卸1.日常卸妝,避免長時間帶妝小巧輕盈,想卸就卸2.出差旅行小巧次拋 方便攜帶3.閨蜜分享,次拋包裝一起輕鬆養膚

You renderd the snippet swatch.liquid with the name of a product option — 'COLOR' — that does not belong to your product.

Use {% render 'swatch' with 'name of your product option here' %}

Example: {% render 'swatch' with 'Color' %}

This is case-sensitive! Do not put in 'color' if your product option name is 'Color'.

from $77.00
CISTTO膚見小蜜棒唇部精華保養唇油蜂蜜味 全新草莓奶油味,水潤上唇,清甜人心! 100%有機莓果油,溫潤舒養
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Cistto 全部商品 護膚品 面部護理
CISTTO膚見小蜜棒唇部精華保養唇油蜂蜜味 全新草莓奶油味,水潤上唇,清甜人心! 100%有機莓果油,溫潤舒養

You renderd the snippet swatch.liquid with the name of a product option — '支' — that does not belong to your product.

Use {% render 'swatch' with 'name of your product option here' %}

Example: {% render 'swatch' with 'Color' %}

This is case-sensitive! Do not put in 'color' if your product option name is 'Color'.

from $77.00
CISTTO膚見小蜜棒唇部精華保養唇油蜜桃味 全新草莓奶油味,水潤上唇,清甜人心! 100%有機莓果油,溫潤舒養
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Cistto 全部商品 護膚品 面部護理
CISTTO膚見小蜜棒唇部精華保養唇油蜜桃味 全新草莓奶油味,水潤上唇,清甜人心! 100%有機莓果油,溫潤舒養

You renderd the snippet swatch.liquid with the name of a product option — '支' — that does not belong to your product.

Use {% render 'swatch' with 'name of your product option here' %}

Example: {% render 'swatch' with 'Color' %}

This is case-sensitive! Do not put in 'color' if your product option name is 'Color'.

from $77.00
CISTTO膚見小蜜棒唇部精華保養唇油草莓味 全新草莓奶油味,水潤上唇,清甜人心! 100%有機莓果油,溫潤舒養  
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Cistto 全部商品 護膚品 面部護理
CISTTO膚見小蜜棒唇部精華保養唇油草莓味 全新草莓奶油味,水潤上唇,清甜人心! 100%有機莓果油,溫潤舒養  

You renderd the snippet swatch.liquid with the name of a product option — '支' — that does not belong to your product.

Use {% render 'swatch' with 'name of your product option here' %}

Example: {% render 'swatch' with 'Color' %}

This is case-sensitive! Do not put in 'color' if your product option name is 'Color'.

NOWMI那魅光感沁潤懸油次拋精華液 1.透光亮澤,煥發水嫩感亮澤2.溫和潤膚,水潤不乾燥3.強韌護膚,提升肌膚保護力 規格:20支x1ml,保 質 期:三年
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NOWMI NOWMI 保濕緊緻 抗衰提升 精華液 護膚品 面部護理
NOWMI那魅光感沁潤懸油次拋精華液 1.透光亮澤,煥發水嫩感亮澤2.溫和潤膚,水潤不乾燥3.強韌護膚,提升肌膚保護力 規格:20支x1ml,保 質 期:三年

You renderd the snippet swatch.liquid with the name of a product option — 'Title' — that does not belong to your product.

Use {% render 'swatch' with 'name of your product option here' %}

Example: {% render 'swatch' with 'Color' %}

This is case-sensitive! Do not put in 'color' if your product option name is 'Color'.

from $290.00
NOWMI那魅保濕瑩潤精華凝露美容儀專用凝膠100ML 1.煥亮有光,少暗多亮 膚色提升2.深入潤澤,嘭彈盈滿 補水潤膚3.速滲透肌膚,快速吸收 直達肌底4.清爽不黏膩,沁潤舒爽 各膚質適用
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NOWMI NOWMI 保濕緊緻 全部商品 抗衰提升 護膚品 面部護理
NOWMI那魅保濕瑩潤精華凝露美容儀專用凝膠100ML 1.煥亮有光,少暗多亮 膚色提升2.深入潤澤,嘭彈盈滿 補水潤膚3.速滲透肌膚,快速吸收 直達肌底4.清爽不黏膩,沁潤舒爽 各膚質適用

You renderd the snippet swatch.liquid with the name of a product option — 'UNIT' — that does not belong to your product.

Use {% render 'swatch' with 'name of your product option here' %}

Example: {% render 'swatch' with 'Color' %}

This is case-sensitive! Do not put in 'color' if your product option name is 'Color'.

WAiU瓦優 抗皺修護面膜
from $539.00
產品介紹 1.【水泵+水壩】補水模式,高能量保濕 2.二裂酵母發酵產物濾液配方中不加水,密集修護, 改善肌膚狀態 3.專利成分【煥顏肽】【酵母萃取液】,刺激膠原回 彈,強效撫紋 4. 貴婦抗衰成分,高濃度精純玻色因 5. 上下分離式設計,絲滑更貼合 6. 雙層複合膜,緊鎖精華營養成分 7.升級奢寵體驗,甄選晚香玉自然香味   真 人 實 測, 有 效 改 善 皺 紋   皮膚皺紋平均深度減少7.57%   皮膚皺紋體積減少15.61%   皮膚皺紋數量減少23.97%   皮膚皺紋面積減少12.61%   皮膚皺紋長度減少15.20%     設計&技術   01 上下分體設計,360°緊貼肌膚觸感輕柔...
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保濕緊緻 全部商品 抗老改善 抗衰提升 減少細紋 護膚品 面膜 面部護理
產品介紹 1.【水泵+水壩】補水模式,高能量保濕 2.二裂酵母發酵產物濾液配方中不加水,密集修護, 改善肌膚狀態 3.專利成分【煥顏肽】【酵母萃取液】,刺激膠原回 彈,強效撫紋 4. 貴婦抗衰成分,高濃度精純玻色因 5. 上下分離式設計,絲滑更貼合 6. 雙層複合膜,緊鎖精華營養成分 7.升級奢寵體驗,甄選晚香玉自然香味   真 人 實 測, 有 效 改 善...

You renderd the snippet swatch.liquid with the name of a product option — '盒' — that does not belong to your product.

Use {% render 'swatch' with 'name of your product option here' %}

Example: {% render 'swatch' with 'Color' %}

This is case-sensitive! Do not put in 'color' if your product option name is 'Color'.

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