Exchange and refund

15 days money back or replacement guarantee

If there is any quality problem with the product within 15 days after receipt , we can arrange a free replacement*
If the delivery date has exceeded 15 days, if the product is within the warranty period, please contact us for maintenance and repair.

Non-product quality issues

If you find any of the following problems with your product, please contact us.

Non-product quality issues
Product model/color is wrong
Product quantity is wrong
Product missing


How is the 15-day money back guarantee calculated?

It will take 15 days from the day you receive the product. If there is a problem with the product, please contact us within 15 days. If the delivery date has exceeded 15 days, if the product is within the warranty period, please contact us for maintenance and repair.

Can I exchange the wrong product if I buy it?

Sorry, we cannot arrange replacement or refund if there is no problem with the product .

How long does the exchange process take?

We will contact you within about five working days to follow up on the product problem, and arrange a delivery team to pick up the problematic product as soon as possible, and deliver the new machine at the same time.

Can I only replace products of the same model?

We must replace the product with the same model. If the product cannot be replaced with the same model because it is sold out, we can replace it with a product of the same value or refund you.

How long does it take to get a refund?

We will arrange a refund according to the payment method used when ordering, which usually takes about 2 to 4 weeks.