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No reviewsDONEO私人護理粉嫩淡化色素保養變粉密處煥發15ml 讓私密更粉·嫩·彈,粉嫩祛黑,煥活飽滿,水潤彈嫩重回少女 肌肉底粉嫩 悅人悅已全方位360度煥白滋潤1.粉嫩力+淡化私密黑色素沉澱加乘提亮粉嫩2.預黑力+舒緩預黑植萃細膩平滑3.水潤力+多重植萃潤養觸膚輕柔,水潤飽滿加速乳暈和私密處的黑色素代謝排出1.法國海茴香萃取物能促進皮膚血液循環,能加速黑色素的代謝排出2.野斷斷續續萃取物促進乳暈與私密處肌膚組織的新陳代謝,有效的將黑色素代謝排出3.日本木瓜籽萃取物來自紅木瓜籽萃取物,能促進私密處肌膚的新陳代謝,能加速黑色素的代謝與快速排出資訊:保存期限:4年使用方法:塗抹至需要部位輕揉至吸收保存方法:放置陰涼處,避光密封保存- From $860.00
- From $860.00
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No reviewsDoneo第8代細胞級抗糖丸緊緻抗皺內調提亮膠囊 創新升級進化第8代細B級抗醣V臉膠囊 6大專利(含雙抗糖專利+雙促進劑組成纖維芽細B複製專利) 未老,卻已“先衰”你正在經歷「糖化危機」痘痘不斷、細紋增加、膚色暗淡、臉部鬆弛 6盒約等於一針"纖維芽"玻尿酸、膠原蛋白、彈性蛋白都是由纖維芽細B產生促進纖維芽細B大量自我複製,基數變大自我產生的就越多,且吸收率99.9%肌膚再生細B療法'纖維芽細B抗糖'纖維芽幹細B增殖因子(FGF)的作用與特徵纖維芽幹細胞增生因子本身是與纖維芽幹細胞存在於同一真皮層中的增殖因子作用就是對生成纖維芽幹細胞的'母親' '真皮幹細胞'發出指令,促進纖維芽幹細胞的增殖。纖維芽幹細胞可以生成膠原蛋白和透明質酸(透明質酸),從而保持肌膚的彈性和光澤。 糖化直損肌底膠原清除AGEs是年輕關鍵肥胖的曼哈頓與蛋白質結合,產生晚期糖化終未產物(AGEs),它使膠原蛋白殭硬、變脆,最終老化斷裂!糖化損傷發生在真皮層,精華難以滲透,只有內服清除AGE才能有效抵禦! 直擊糖化根源 精準對抗糖化肌「全維抗糖」7重抗糖成分1100mg山竹萃取物阻斷AGES,並能切斷AGES,促進成纖維芽細包複製 280mg鰹魚彈性蛋白抵抗並修護斷裂膠原蛋白 350mg透明脂酸鈉增強肌膚活力,緩解肌底受損42mg神經醯胺給細包一層防護衣,抵禦侵害並且修護肌膚屏障 510mg鋅加速肌膚代謝 620mg VC促進膠原合成710mg硫辛酸輔助阻斷AGES,雙重守護 科學配方 有效阻礙肌膚糖化明星抗糖成分,山竹萃取物1oomg阻礙並能切斷AGES對抗肌膚糖化促進成纖維芽細包複製日本專業抗糖研究所實力認證 明星抗糖成分鰹魚彈性蛋白somg彈性蛋白是皮膚彈性纖維( elastic hbers)的主要成分主要存在於韌帶和脈管壁,它與膠原纖維共同存在,賦予皮膚組織彈性和抗張能力。彈性蛋白構成彈性纖維,且有橡皮一樣彈性的纖維,能被拉長數倍,並可恢復原樣,它是結締組織彈性的主要因素,因此它有'人體橡膠’的美稱- From $840.00
- From $840.00
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DONEO重塑液體繃帶 細胞自噬亞精胺PQQ
No reviewsDONEO重塑液體繃帶 細胞自噬亞精胺PQQ 1.細胞重塑活化細胞自噬,諾貝爾獎支持2.加強粒線體粒線體是細胞的心臟,為細胞供能90%3.端立重塑端立體的長短和壽命長短息息相關,端立體抗衰是抗衰的源頭4.提拉緊緻全身熱瑪吉5.整體上揚緊緻下顎線6.祛皺淡紋勝於超皮秒7.填充凹陷強於破皮注射INFORMATION規格:25ml/瓶 10瓶/盒功效:提拉緊緻 皮肉貼合 五官立體產品成分:西班牙Eggnovo、PQQ、亞精胺、魚類彈性蛋白g百香果萃取、維生素E、殼寡糖、維生素C(抗壞血酸鈉、寡果、透明質酸g、菊粉g、穀胱甘肽、甜菜鹼收納方式:避免陽光直射,請存放於陰涼乾燥處置於冰箱冷藏效果較佳用法及用量:每個月前10 天一天一支,後面每兩天一支注意事項:本產品不用於診斷、治療、治癒或預防任何疾病- From $1,158.00
- From $1,158.00
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DPC Skin Iron Pulse Shot is Hong Kong's authorized agent for the new model of household ion tightening, electric current ultrasonic scalpel machine, household small iron beauty instrument, multifunctional
1 reviewThe Skin Iron small iron created by the DPC brand is a best-seller around the world. It is endorsed by Kim Soo-hyun and Park Min-young and is a famous micro-current beauty device. Newly upgraded second generation——DPC SKIN IRON PULSE SHOT It has the most...- $8,880.00
$10,880.00- $8,880.00
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DR SCALP II second generation hair care generator
No reviewsDR SCALP II second generation hair care generator DR SCALP II is an aging care machine designed to change your first impression. Healthy hair and a firm facial expression will have a huge impact on your first impression. Doctor Scalp was born in 2012...- $8,550.00
- $8,550.00
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Dr. SCALP Brashu REVO 髮刷
No reviewsDr. Scalp Brashu REVO 髮刷,適合乾髮和濕髮。頭皮和臉部按摩器 使用 Dr. Scalp The Brashu Brush 體驗極致的頭髮護理 - 這款創新的刷子旨在促進頭皮健康並增強頭髮活力。它採用專利的兩級高品質刷毛結構,溫和有效地清潔和刺激頭皮,改善血液循環,促進頭髮生長,讓你擁有蓬鬆、有光澤、健康的頭髮。穴位按摩。 新設計的優點: 此刷子配有按摩滾輪,可進行自我按摩,從而增強皮膚彈性。 清潔頭皮上超過 40,000 個毛孔,這些毛孔用手很難觸及。經過 THE BRASHU REVO 獨特的頭皮護理後,所使用的產品將盡可能均勻地被頭髮吸收。 好處• 無需使用拉直設備即可拉直所有類型的頭髮。• 適合濕髮和乾髮。• 角蛋白更新效果。• 增加頭髮的體積,從髮根處將其抬起• 非常適合順理頭髮。適合保養延長的頭髮。• 幫助均勻分佈髮膜,提高有益成分的吸收。• 按摩可刺激和促進頭髮生長。 使用說明洗髮說明:1. 洗頭前先用刷子梳理濕髮。2. 塗抹洗髮精並用刷毛按摩。3. 沖洗洗髮精並再次梳理頭髮。4. 塗上髮膜或其他護髮產品,並用髮刷將其均勻塗抹。5. 為了使頭髮拉直和豐盈,請使用帶有 Brashu 刷的吹風機將頭髮拉直並定型至所需造型。按摩說明:- 使用刷子按摩頭皮。- 利用底部的按摩滾輪,進行穴位按摩,強化臉部肌肉,達到提升的效果。- 將刷子滾輪的一側滑動到皮膚上進行按摩。- 按摩臉部和胸部,有效去除淋巴積聚物。- $488.00
- $488.00
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Dr.Arrivo Zeus Shine Japanese Zeus Cleansing Massage Comb
No reviewsDr.Arrivo Zeus Shine Japanese Zeus Cleansing Massage Comb- $488.00
$680.00- $488.00
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Dr.Arrivo The Horuseye Beauty Instrument Microcurrent Lifting and Firming Home Eye Beauty Instrument Directly Delivered from Japan
Dr.Arrivo The Horuseye Beauty Device Microcurrent Lifting and Firming Home Eye Beauty Device Inheriting Zeus’s “Age-Anonymous Black Technology” Strength awakens new life around the eyes Destroy 5 major troubles with one machine, precision sniper multi-dimensional age Lift Firm, pop, brighten and delicate Y key...- $5,498.00
$6,899.00- $5,498.00
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DR.ARRIVO Zeus Beauty Essence WMT Pulan Gel Curry Moisturizing Repair Beauty Essence 500g
No reviewsDR.ARRIVO Zeus Beauty Essence WMT Pulan Gel Curry Moisturizing Repair Beauty Essence 500g 1. Lift and firm, repair signs of skin aging, and make skin firm and elastic. 2. Hydrate and moisturize, relieve skin dryness and deficiencies, and make skin moist and delicate. 3....- $827.00
- $827.00
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DR.ARRIVO Zeus Beauty Liquid WMT Mist Sparkling Gel Curry Beauty Instrument Massage Gel Curry 300ml/bottle
No reviewsDR.ARRIVO Zeus Beauty Liquid WMT Mist Sparkling Gel Curry Beauty Instrument Massage Gel Curry 300ml/bottle Skin care 1+1>2 Used with the instrument, each massage can reach the dermis layer, amplifying the maintenance effect of the instrument. It forms a protective film on the skin...- $648.00
- $648.00
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DR.ARRIVO Zeus Beauty Serum WMT Mist Sparkling Essence Firming Repair 120ml/bottle
No reviewsDR.ARRIVO Zeus Beauty Serum WMT Mist Sparkling Essence Firming Repair 120ml/bottle Reverse skin aging and rejuvenate skin from the root, as if it were reborn 1. Firming cloud fruit extract refines skin, improves pores, and restores firmness and smoothness of young skin. 2. Anti-aging...- $1,831.00
- $1,831.00
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Dr.Bauer Doctor Bao's six-generation RF radio frequency import child face machine home face eye arm beauty instrument plug-in
Dr.Bauer Dr. Bauer's sixth generation RF radio frequency introduction child beauty machine household face, eye and arm beauty instrument plug-in The sixth generation Dr.Bauer baby face machine has 25 years of Swiss quality and Korean imported Home-RF radio frequency technology. The new sixth-generation RF...- From $8,300.00
- From $8,300.00
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Dr.Caviet The Zeus Abdominal Fat Loss Apparatus + Body Gel
Dr.Caviet The Zeus Abdominal Fat Reduction Device + Body Gel If you are looking for an effective way to reduce belly fat at home, Dr Caviet The Zeus Belly Fat Reduction Machine will help you do just that. This is an effective belly fat...- $9,806.00
- $9,806.00
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DR.HOME SONIC II home skin care, lifting and tightening care plug-in beauty instrument
No reviewsDR.HOME SONIC II home skin care, lifting and tightening care plug-in beauty instrument DR.HOME Sonic II Sonic II output frequency 4MHZ energy increased by 800 times! How to use the deep fascial layer and dermis layer. The handheld instrument is light, simple and comfortable....- $11,000.00
- $11,000.00
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No reviewsDR.RIMPLER慕特博士321玻尿酸精華保濕深層補水 N°321玻尿酸肌底精華肌肉底養護 補水保濕【補水保濕 深層維護】小分子透明酸深入肌底補水保濕, 維護肌膚狀態【修護肌膚 維穩狀態】橙皮苷微晶體,修護肌膚 強韌肌膚屏障- From $1,243.00
- From $1,243.00
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No reviewsDR.RIMPLER慕特博士341視黃醇A醇精華緊緻抗皺修護 成分:0.68%高濃度視黃醇(A醇)/玻尿酸/角鯊烷功效:保濕/修護/緊緻膚感:清爽好吸收 【德國專利技術】微脂囊+微晶技術,維持活性 促進吸收降低成分刺激性的同時提升效果歐洲發明專利專利號:EP2768471歐洲發明專利專利號:EP2218447【養護肌膚 進階抗皺】雙A醇組合,0.5%「植A」補骨脂酚+0.25%視黃醇抵擋歲月痕跡 肌膚狀態更緊緻【維持肌膚水油平衡】瑪卡植物萃取+玻尿酸+角鯊烷補充微量元素 滋養修護 深度補水保濕- From $897.00
- From $897.00
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No reviewsDR.RIMPLER慕特博士洗卸合一胺基酸清潔洗面乳潔面 潔淨與溫柔之間的平衡同時又很溫和清理能力再次上線 兩種海藻植萃淨澈+養膚產品資訊INGREIENTS掌狀海帶萃取物,椰子油脂肪酸皺波角叉菜萃取物ORIGIN德國WARRANTY PERIOD開蓋後六個月內使用效果最佳EFFECT清潔的同時具有滋潤效果,質地綿密不緊繃,潔面卸妝二合一- From $265.00
- From $265.00
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No reviewsDR.RIMPLER慕特博士魚子醬精華安瓶臉部緊緻抗皺 提拉緊致,淡化細紋 【注入肌膚鮮活能量】增強肌膚屏障,助力膠原蛋白,有效緊緻破損角質層修護,含蛋白質、膠原蛋白、DHA、EPA、SCD多種胺基酸等營養成分1.專利技術活性強 吸收好智慧微脂囊,智慧微晶兩大專利增強活性 直達肌底2.緊緻肌膚 提升臉部輪廓高濃度魚子精華能有效緊緻臉部輪廓滋養修護,強韌肌膚屏障3.舒緩肌膚 保濕抗皺番金蒲桃球莖萃取物有效輔助鱘魚子萃取物釋放緊緻功效,達到抗皺效果第一周【密集修護期】一天一支,早晚各半支,密集修護,刺激細胞更新再生,及時補充肌肉底部缺失營養,飽滿豐盈,預防拉垮。第二-四周【長效滋養期】隔一天使用一支,早晚各半支,持續激發細胞更新再生,促補膠原,緊緻輪廓,提拉鬆弛的臉部肌膚。HOW TO USEStep1拿出一支魚子精華, Step2將魚子精華放入開瓶器,卡到瓶身「MAXX」處,捏緊開瓶器上方將魚子精華瓶口打開; Step3將魚子精華放入噴霧器彈匣,並裝回噴頭; Step4對準使用部位,按壓噴頭,讓精華霧化,接觸肌膚;輕輕拍打並按摩肌膚,讓精華徹底吸收INFORMATION產地:德國規格:2ml*15支有 效 期:3年適用膚質:多種膚質功效:滋養、修護、保濕、抗皺、緊緻、舒緩瑞士冰川下的西伯利亞鱘魚子可滿足細胞全天能量供給- From $1,042.00
- From $1,042.00
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Dr.Unicell NMN 12000 Time Capsules Nicotinamide Mononucleotide Supplement NAD+NM
No reviewsDr.Unicell NMN 12000 Time Capsules Nicotinamide Mononucleotide Supplement NAD+NM DR.UNICELL High-purity NMN revitalizes cells NMN12000 Time Capsule Fast-paced life accelerates physiological decline. Are you worried about skin problems caused by aging? Do you always stay up late tossing and turning? Are you feeling low...- From $1,998.00
- From $1,998.00
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Efbe Fchoff Spray Care Hair Smoothing Comb
No reviewsEfbe Fchoff Spray Care Hair Smoothing Comb Spray hair care once combed through Why we redesigned the comb for hair care. The first step is to start with the comb. Ordinary combs not only cannot protect the hair, but also make it difficult to...- $680.00
- $680.00
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