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INNER HEALTH 舒鼻敏感益生菌lp33副乾酪乳桿菌大人兒童40粒
No reviewsINNER HEALTH 舒鼻敏感益生菌lp33副乾酪乳桿菌大人兒童40粒 Inner Health 花粉症緩解益生菌 40 粒膠囊一般資訊Inner Health Hayfever Relief 益生菌可緩解花粉熱、過敏性鼻炎和輕微過敏症狀 - 眼睛發癢、浮腫、疼痛和流淚。 Inner Health 花粉症緩解劑• 減少輕微過敏症狀的頻率和嚴重程度• 幫助緩解輕度環境過敏• 緩解花粉熱症狀• 減輕過敏性鼻炎的症狀• 緩解輕微過敏症狀,包括眼睛發癢和流淚;眼睛浮腫和疼痛 患有過敏性鼻炎的人會出現鼻塞、鼻癢或流鼻水、打噴嚏和喉嚨發癢等症狀。 澳洲製造適合素食主義者和純素食主義者 規格:40粒 警告如果症狀持續,請諮詢您的醫療保健專業人員。如果瓶蓋和/或瓶子密封遺失或破損,請勿使用。不添加人工色素、香料或防腐劑。原料每個膠囊含有:副乾酪乳桿菌 (LP-33®) 100 億 CFU路線成人及 12 歲以上兒童:每天服用 1 粒。2 至 12 歲的兒童(為減輕過敏性鼻炎症狀):每天將 1 粒膠囊倒入水、果汁或牛奶(溫或冷)中混合。或依照醫療保健專業人員的指示。 如果願意的話,可以將膠囊拉開並將粉末添加到食物或液體中。儲存溫度:儲存溫度低於25°C。無需冷藏。- From $704.00
- From $704.00
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INNER HEALTH 茵澳斯大人腸道成人活性益生菌500億 30粒
No reviewsINNER HEALTH 茵澳斯大人腸道成人活性益生菌500億 30粒 維持腸道有益菌的平衡包裝數量: 1保持整體健康和福祉支持健康免疫力品牌:Inner Health規格:30 片(1 包)顏色:藍色製造商:Metagenics零件編號:YD95HQ5資訊:IUYBIXDPPVFZ- From $439.00
- From $439.00
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INNER HEALTH大人益生菌有助於胃部胃黏膜健康養胃粉
No reviewsINNER HEALTH大人益生菌有助於胃部胃黏膜健康養胃粉 Inner Health 胃灼熱 HP 膠囊 X 30內在健康胃灼熱 HP - 緩解胃灼熱和胃支持 減輕胃灼熱和消化不良的症狀緩解胸部灼痛和消化不適舒緩受刺激的胃壁,支持健康的胃功能幫助恢復健康的腸道和胃微生物群適合素食主義者和素食者。澳洲 L 405082 品牌: INNER HEALTH密碼:I5RVQBWBY6DR- From $470.00
- From $470.00
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INNER HEALTH茵澳斯敏感肌膚改善修復肌膚益生菌修護肌膚屏障 30粒
No reviewsINNER HEALTH茵澳斯敏感肌膚改善修復肌膚益生菌修護肌膚屏障 28天強韌肌膚抵禦力6瓶抵禦敏感反覆皮膚狀態不穩定 乾癢紅頻發抵禦低下 豆疹反覆作息混亂 發炎頻繁敏感反覆 屏障受損季節敏感 乾癢泛紅 可能是免疫失衡惹的禍!皮膚過敏屬於免疫功能異常所導致的變態反應,也屬於免疫失調。是否還在使用這些?外用類治標不治本易產生抗藥性、易損失肌膚屏障荷爾蒙類易產生副作用引起荷爾蒙水平紊亂、易造成荷爾蒙皮膚 補充益生菌恢復肌膚健康屏障 拯救過敏新方案從內部改善過敏,28天重煥肌膚抵禦力外舒緩緩解皮膚不適修復肌膚狀態內調理由內提高抵禦力非藥物無依賴性 180天"危肌調理"計劃復發減少 敏肌改善具體用量使用1瓶 改善多種皮膚敏感症狀(28天)使用3瓶 減少皮膚問題發作頻率(90天)使用6瓶 維持肌膚穩定狀態(180天) 產品資訊品牌:INNER HEALTH名稱:皮膚修護益生菌規格:30粒/瓶有效期限:24個月建議食用:每日1粒產地:澳大利亞儲存方式:25℃以下常溫保存適宜人群:2歲以上 常見問題Q:我正在服用其他的益生菌保健品。為什麼我要換成 INNER HEALTH 益生菌皮膚修護膠囊?A:不同的益生菌配方含有不同的細菌菌株,針對個人所需的菌株用藥才是關鍵INNER HEALTH 益生菌皮膚修護膠囊含 LGG® 益生菌、BB-12@ 益生菌和維生素 D,這些成分在臨床試驗中,均展現了促進皮膚健康並減輕季節性皮膚問題的功效Q:荷爾蒙臉/屏障受損可以改善嗎?A:服用益生菌起到內調的作用,對由免疫失衡引起的皮膚問題是有幫助的,需要堅持調理,建議先吃-個週期三瓶Q:濕Z高發期可以用嗎?A:具體效果因人而異,如果正在發濕疹,建議至少吃完一瓶(30 天),幫助緩解調理。並在改善後持續再吃一瓶幫助鞏固。同時也建議長期吃,幫助預防反覆Q:必須空腹服用INNER HEALTH 益生菌皮膚修護膠囊嗎?A:INNER HEALTH 益生菌皮膚修護膠囊在飯前飯後均可服用Q:我懷孕了,想降低兒童皮膚問題發生率。我應該在懷孕期間服用INNERHEALTH 益生菌皮膚修護膠囊嗎?A:LGG@益生菌已經在孕婦中進行臨床試驗,且經證實,其確實有助於減低兒童皮膚問題發生率。可考慮服用INNER HEALTH懷孕&哺乳期益生菌膠囊,該產品針對孕婦保健特製的配方,除了減輕兒童皮膚問題發生率之外,還有其他益處- From $439.00
- From $439.00
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INNER HEALTH茵澳斯益生菌平衡腸道活力健康菌群 30粒
No reviewsINNER HEALTH茵澳斯益生菌平衡腸道活力健康菌群 支持腸道細菌的健康平衡。有助於維持整體健康和福祉。支持健康的胃腸系統。支持免疫系統健康。澳洲製造。適合素食主義者和純素食主義者。品牌: 內在健康規格:30 片(1 包)顏色:白色製造商: Metagenics零件編號:BF9PPFK身分:ISPIQB5KWTG- From $455.00
- From $455.00
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INNER HEALTH解壓提神舒壓情緒益生菌青少年學生集中註意力 30粒
No reviewsINNER HEALTH解壓提神舒壓情緒益生菌青少年學生集中註意力 30粒 INNER HEALTH解壓提神舒壓情緒益生菌青少年學生集中註意力 支持腸道和大腦健康。支持健康的壓力反應。保持情緒健康。支持精神集中、回憶和清晰度。澳洲製造。適合素食主義者和純素食主義者。品牌: 內在健康尺寸:30 Capsules顏色:白色製造商:Inner Health零件編號:WMLVSQ2是:IYQUCHNYXRKU- From $470.00
- From $470.00
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INTIMA PRO Private Parts Cleanser
No reviewsINTIMA PRO Private Parts Cleanser Focused on women’s private health for 34 years, no burden for daily use Lactic acid + prebiotic <br>Lactic acid resists harmful microorganisms and prebiotics promote beneficial bacteria Vitamin E+APG surfactant <br>Soothing, hydrating, safe and unburdening, cranberry extract, fresh fruity...- From $187.00
- From $187.00
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Intima Intima Sensitive Specialized Private Cleansing Liquid Cleansing Wash Care Liquid Private Shower Milk Daily Cleansing Liquid
No reviewsIntima Intima Sensitive Specialized Private Cleansing Solution Cleansing Wash Care Solution Private Shower Milk Daily Cleansing Solution 200ML Gentle and skin-friendly for sensitive people Intima Sensitive Care Solution Private skin needs exclusive care <br>Sensitive skin moisturizing ratio/special period, skin-friendly and safe, fragile and sensitive,...- From $173.00
- From $173.00
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INTIMA Private Parts Cleanser
No reviewsINTIMA Private Parts Cleanser Moisturizing formula, cares for private skin, fresh and clean smell, mild plant formula, healing fragrance that lasts all day long, gentle and moisturizing, small molecule moisturizing, moisturizing, moisturizing and not tight HOW TO USE STEP1 Rotate the pump head 90...- From $149.00
- From $149.00
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Iriya beau upgraded version of water-glossy muscle drink 6000 times VC whitening sunscreen and hydrating 20ml*30 bottles
Iriya beau upgraded version of water light skin drink 6000 times VC whitening sunscreen and hydrating 20ml*30 bottles A highly concentrated beauty drink containing 20 carefully selected beauty ingredients including 3 types of ceramides, it cares for fresh beauty and gives you moisturized beauty....- From $1,580.00
- From $1,580.00
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ISEGSTAR Ganoderma lucidum, snow lotus and bird's nest peptide female hormone hormone estrogen supplement and regulation luxurious nourishing oral capsules
No reviewsISEGSTAR Ganoderma lucidum, snow lotus and bird's nest peptide female hormone hormone estrogen supplement and regulation luxurious nourishing oral capsules Supplement, supplement the two-way nourishing and conditioning of natural hormones, continuously nourish and stabilize the youthful state, stabilize the hormonal balance, and fully exude...- From $1,999.00
- From $1,999.00
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JBP Curacen Essence human placenta extract skin health anti-aging even skin tone anti-wrinkle
No reviewsCuracen Essence is a special low molecular weight human placenta extract. Like Laennec, Curacen serum stimulates the production of new skin stem cells, promoting cell regeneration and healing. This formula absorbs quickly into cells, leaving your skin with healthier, more even texture, color and...- From $2,478.00
- From $2,478.00
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JBP J-PLA Japan's high-end product, lady level JBP Lainekang Jinbilai POQ stem cell ingredient human placenta oral capsules 100 capsules
Global JBP Biologics proudly produces J-PLA Jinbilai PO Human Placenta Capsules. [Comprehensive interpretation of J-PLA Jinbilai Placenta] An upgraded version of JBP Lady’s Placenta, pink J-PLA. This is a high-end product launched by JBP, human placenta containing stem cell ingredients! The latest and most...- From $4,500.00
$13,880.00- From $4,500.00
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JBP LAENNEC PO Japanese high-end product lady level JBP LAENNEC POQ human placenta essence placenta capsules whitening and blemish delaying menopause regulating endocrine maintenance uterus and ovaries 100 capsules
Global JBP Biologics proudly produces J-PLA Jinbilai PO Human Placenta Capsules. LAENNEC Human Placenta Capsules, which are also difficult to buy in Japan, are manufactured by Japan’s JBP (Japan Biopharmaceuticals Co., Ltd.)’s cutting-edge biotechnology. It is one of the first products approved by the...- From $2,199.00
$5,880.00- From $2,199.00
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Jean d'Estrees France's Jean d'Estrees After Mask Moisturizing, Firming and Rejuvenating Essence Application Type
No reviewsJean d'Estrees France's Jean d'Estrees After Mask Moisturizing, Firming and Rejuvenating Essence Application Type French Jean Tiss, post-shower mask to enjoy the same Maison SPA as the actress 15 minutes emergency rejuvenation, sugar and oxygen double anti-aging skin elasticity, tenderness, brightening, elasticity, delicateness, suppleness,...- From $2,551.00
- From $2,551.00
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JMOON Extremely Cute Stamped Plaid Mask Anti-wrinkle, Soothing, Moisturizing and Relieves Skin Sensitivity
No reviewsJMOON Extremely Cute Stamped Plaid Mask Anti-wrinkle, Soothing, Moisturizing and Relieves Skin Sensitivity JMOON anti-wrinkle soothing mask 5s stamp activates deep collagen and stamps in numerical order The super-penetrating essence of biomass graphene material is used in conjunction with the instrument to accelerate micro-current...- From $218.00
- From $218.00
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JMOON extremely cute M30-H second generation collagen cannon Max facial beauty instrument for home use
1 reviewJMOON extremely cute M30-H second generation collagen gun Max facial beauty instrument for home use Jmoon’s second-generation Collagen Cannon Max beauty instrument sweeps across the entire face in 5 minutes Core anti-aging technology <br data-mce-fragment="1">Super photon promotion technology+, 5D induction microcurrent, instant fascia lifting,...- $3,559.00
$5,659.00- $3,559.00
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Extreme night red
smoothie powder
JMOON extremely cute M9 folding screen large row lamp household red and blue light face and body rejuvenation whitening and acne mask LED beauty instrument
1 reviewJMOON extremely cute M9 folding screen large row lamp household red and blue light face and body rejuvenation whitening and acne mask LED beauty instrument Folding screen large row of lights Dual screen whitening, 1 degree whiter in 7 days 1000 cm² super large...- $3,499.00
- $3,499.00
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Jmoon Moisturizing Moisturizing Gel Dilutes Fine Lines Moisturizing Skin Official Matching Gel 80g
JMOON moisturizing gel patented oat peptide reduces fine lines, replenishes moisture, and makes skin smooth and delicate Enhanced energy transfer Lightweight for easy spread of hydrating repair- $290.34
- $290.34
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Jmoon extremely cute facial mask soothes, moisturizes and relieves skin sensitivity
No reviewsJmoon extremely cute facial mask soothes, moisturizes and relieves skin sensitivity Soothes, firms and moisturizes skin Jmoon| Soothing, Lifting, Firming Mask Rich in essence and effective, this luxurious treatment soothes, moisturizes, lifts, firms and hydrates the skin. Patented ingredient* Oxygen skin tightening 01 Ergothioneine...- From $218.00
- From $218.00
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